Privacy Policy

What data is collected

I do not collect personal information beyond the minimum needed for the functionality of this set of websites. I avoid using cookies, but they are needed to allow comments on the blog / bulletin board* and for logging into the bug tracker.

* Comments to this blog work via the bulletin board.

Here is the Wikipedia article on cookies.

This website does not currently have ads, but it is planned. Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits to the website and/or other websites. Here is how Google uses Cookies.

The server software (Apache) also collects IP-addresses in a log file. I use this data for gathering statistics on how many unique visitors I have and what regions they come from.

Opting Out

You can opt out of Google's personalized ads here. This will affect Google ads for every website you visit while logged in to Google.

Blocking Cookies

You can turn off cookies via your browser's settings. If you do this, you will not be able to make blog comments, bulletin board posts or enter bugs in the bug tracker, but everything else should work.

Most browsers allow blocking cookies from selected websites. If you do this, please note that ads are normally served by a different website.

Data Sharing

I will not share your email or other personal information with third parties without your consent - excepting malicious behavior on your part or a court order.

In particular: I consider spamming malicious behavior, and if you do that, your email and ip-address will likely end up on a blacklist of spammers. If you want to promote something respectfully, I have no problem with that. If you have a question about where the line between spam and respectful promotion is, contact me.

I have no control over advertiser's data sharing. Here is Google's Privacy Policy.

I am not responsible for the republishing of content found on this blog on other websites or media without permission.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.

 Show Cookie Warning Again 

Copyright © 2016 William David Herndon. All rights reserved.

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